

Evansville has applied for Promise Neighborhoods four times, 包括2021年, 这是我们成为合作伙伴的第一年. 埃文斯维尔被选为“希望区”被视为最终获得“希望社区”拨款的必要前提. In 2021, 埃文斯维尔梦想中心, EVSC, 和UE合作建造了一个结构,将在五个新社区中复制梦想中心的模型. While the application was the highest scoring application to date, 它没有达到获得资金的标准. 为了2022年的努力, 我们的核心团队已经扩大到更具包容性, 我们的目标区域变得更加集中. EVSC数据团队, 与迪尔咨询集团(常规心电图)合作, 是否做了一项令人难以置信的工作,将必要的数据集中在最需要的六所EVSC学校和相关的人口普查区. 与EVSC和必要的组织建立了应用程序的数据共享协议,以提供对更准确数据的访问, 与过去的应用相比,这是一个重大的进步. 英国威廉希尔中文网站, 作为主要申请人, submitted the 2022 grant application to the DOE for an 埃文斯维尔承诺社区 on October 7, 2022, 总共要30美元,000,5年超过1万. This grant requires a 1 to 1 match, and partner agencies accounted for a match totaling $32,497,295.55. This figure comes from the cost invested in providing wrap-around care services to the neighborhoods designated. On March 28, we received notification that our community had received the award. 这是2023年全美仅有的三家之一.


英国威廉希尔中文网站 was the lead applicant and worked closely with EVSC to lead the project, with a dedicated Core Team representative of the Major Partners.


  • 西尔维娅·德沃,公司和基金会关系官员
  • 杰里米·埃文斯,埃文斯维尔梦想中心的执行董事
  • Erin Lewis, Executive Director UE’s 创新中心 and 改变 (CIC)
  • 塞拉斯·马切姆,外联部主任 & 社区发展,埃文斯维尔承诺区
  • Kim McWilliams, Chief Officer Center for Family, School, and 社区 Partnerships, EVSC
  • Derek McKillop, Director of 社区 Learning Centers, EVSC
  • Tyler Stock,人才EVV执行董事
  • Kelsey Wright, EVSC学校支持主任

常规心电图, 广受尊敬的项目评估专家, 与EVSC官员密切合作,分析关键社区和学校的具体数据,为埃文斯维尔承诺社区和六所学校提供信息. 在赠款中, 常规心电图与UE签订合同,与核心团队合作,进一步制定和实施评估计划, track project-specific and required outcomes across the pipeline, 坐标数据共享, 领导一个持续改进的团队. 每个人的领导(LE)和UE的CIC进行了社区愿景和设计思考会议,以指导应用程序的干预, and LE will be a contractor with UE to guide the EPN approach. Dr. T的泰德·迪克尔.A. 绝对集团, 有限责任公司, 担任项目经理-促进过程, 与合作伙伴一起制定整体预算, and coordinating Core Team and partner meetings in preparation for the grant. Amy Bolek of Bolek Grant Writing and Consulting Services, 有限责任公司 wrote the grant application. UE, 作为主要申请人, will house the staff leading the Promise Neighborhood at the CIC.


To finalize the EPN geographic boundary and identify focus schools, 我们举行了一系列核心小组会议,以确定如何更准确地了解学生和家庭的需要. 这一决定是根据以下几个重要考虑作出的:(a)根据先前申请的反馈并确保竞争力, the Core Team understood it was important to narrow the focus of the designated area; (b) Since some required indicators involved specific- school population changes, it was important to ensure the schools selected had a high percentage of students enrolled who also lived in the designated census tracts selected; (c) The original Promise Zone census tracts were used as the initial focus area and adjusted based on enrollment levels within schools; (d) While specific schools were required to be included in the application as focus schools, wrap around care coordination and universal services offered throughout the neighborhood will impact children and families beyond the focus schools; (e) The grant involves a cradle to career focus so focus schools should include a specific 出席 district to the extent possible; and (f) The EVSC currently has a full-service community school grant providing similar services to Caze Elementary, Fairlawn小学, McGary中学, 哈里森高中.

在上述考虑的指导下, the goal was to identify both the neighborhood focus and the focus schools. Since schools comprise students and families from multiple neighborhoods and socio-economic backgrounds, a key challenge was that school-level data alone did not accurately represent EPN student needs (e.g., a student living in the identified neighborhood may attend a school outside of the neighborhood). 在以前的申请中, 只有学校特定的数据,这限制了记录特定社区需求的案例. 因此, 确定应在学校人口和社区人口水平上审查学生数据. The two levels of analysis allowed for a richer understanding EPN的. 例如, when school population data for high school graduation rates are examined, 费率包括居住在PN重点地区以外的学生以及来自各种社会经济背景的家庭. Consequently, these rates do not accurately reflect the needs of students living in the neighborhood. 然而,邻域分析可以. 例如, 我们发现,只有60%的EPN学生高中毕业,而生活在该地区以外的学生有83%高中毕业. 这项分析首先由EPN评估合作伙伴常规心电图和EVSC工作人员确定具体指标,与EPN选择的《威廉希尔中文网》(GPRA)指标进行交叉参考. 根据数据共享协议, EVSC向常规心电图提供了一份2020-21学年入学的学生名单,其中包括所有学生的地址(25岁以上),共审阅了000个地址). Next, 常规心电图 identified census tracts for students based on their last address of record. EVSC then prepared an academic file including student demographic information along with NWEA, ILEARN, IREAD, 悬架, 出席, 毕业信息. De-identified student addresses and academic files were unduplicated and merged by 常规心电图, and various analyses were conducted using census tracts within the PZ and surrounding areas. 对所描述的学术和人口统计数据的分析为核心小组选择最终的人口普查区和学校提供了信息,这些地区和学校被选为EPN的重点领域.


This particular grant application requires a collaborative design with stakeholders. 凭借我们在变革和设计思维方面的优势, and contracted partner Leadership Everyone’s expertise in community visioning, UE was able to make a strong case that those who would be served were consulted about the solutions proposed. 2021年3月, 来自3所高中和4所小学的234名学生参加了由创新中心主办的设计思考会议 & 改变. 这个承诺社区的梦想会话(虚拟), due to COVID) asked students to imagine what they want for their neighborhood or school. They drew or wrote their answers on blue construction paper, 把它们放下, 后来由CIC收集. 那些希望和梦想都被编目了, 编码, 并将以互动艺术装置的形式呈现给学校和城市领导:一个巨大的“e”,以纪念埃文斯维尔的“e是为了每个人”运动. 他们的想法也将成为最终改变Lab项目的基础,UE和EVSC的学生可以共同实施这些项目.

地板上的蓝色E Erin Lewis and Sylvia DeVault with the results from the EVSC Design Thinking Sessions. Students envisioned everything from walk to school programs, 反欺凌运动, 彻底重新设计威廉希尔中文网.

埃文斯维尔承诺社区 Student Ideas spreadsheet screenshot Screenshot of a selection of student comments and ideas from CIC Design Thinking Sessions.

EVSC also began updating its continuous improvement plan in 2021. This process began with identifying a shared vision and core values, followed by community engagement to envision how to prepare students for a successful future. 故事和输入收集自近2,000名学生, 员工, 父母, 社区合作伙伴, 商业领袖. Empathy interviews followed to further contextualize and define the values, 任务, 视力也在提高. 这项工作形成了集体的“为什么”.“2022年3月和4月, 数据分析和研究以及利益相关者围绕问题根源的对话占据了中心位置. 我们怎样才能? discussions fostered a community-wide mindset of high expectations and student potential, 增加归属感. 2022年5月,社区团队起草了战略. This work coincided with the EPN needs assessment for alignment to EPN strategies.

The PZ also conducted its latest neighborhood survey in 2021 (7,504户家庭, 450份回复),为我们的需求评估提供了信息. 最后, 2022年5月, EPN核心团队通过领导人人(LE)组织的社区会议寻求更多的学校和社区利益相关者的意见。, an award-winning non-profit in Evansville and key engagement partner for the EPN. 通过一种叫做VOICE的专有程序, LE通过愿景会议邀请不同的人群表达对社区的希望和梦想. 自2012年以来, LE’s visioning work has informed community initiatives like the PZ, 埃文斯维尔市中心总体规划, 区域城市倡议(IEDC 2022)和项目, 仅举几个例子. In 2021–2022, 16 EPN visioning sessions were held with 330 adult and child participants. 最重要的愿景是 DEI, Beautification, Housing and Education Access, and Environmental Health. 最重要的概念是 Collaboration, Positivity, Inclusion, Kindness and Education.

从社区的意见来看, a preliminary list of solutions was gathered by the Core Team, 评估, 并优先考虑社区的需求和愿望, 循证和最佳做法. This work culminated in a solution development session on June 6, 2022. 核心小组针对已确定的需求绘制了可能的解决方案,并对以证据为基础的EPN GPRA指标进行了进一步评估. Core Team members then met with partners to finalize programs, modalities, and budget needs. Multiple sources and types of information required to be current (no more than three years old), 告知EPN管道解决方案连续体.
